Ego and grief and the spirit.


Recently, in my time of introspection I’ve had an awareness, that there is more at work in my life than simply grieving the death of my mother.  Yes.  My mom is no longer her, but I am becoming more aware of her spirit.  Although I cannot see, feel, touch her.  I know she is in me.  It is undeniable.  My mother is in spirit.  And her spirit in me.

This “new” me, will be a part of her spirit.

But I’m not going to deny that I’m scared to death.  I no longer have my mother to anchor my identity.  To tell me if I am wrong or right, I can only draw from what I’ve gained from her spirit to guide me.

Ahead is a passage I found related to grieving through the ego.

Please click the link at the end of this passage if you want to read more.

1. Grieving through the Ego.

This kind of grief is found in these words: “life begins and ends here,” “life will never be the same,” “my life is over.” Although there are elements of truth to these statements, there is a limited worldview attached to them. They are statements people use to express their ego needs no longer being met due to the loss that takes away from them a part of their world.

When I hear the voice of ego grief in a profound way, I realize I am dealing with someone attached to the world of form. The ability to become abstract enough to find hope beyond this world in their relationships is challenged by the death of a loved one. In doing so, the deceased loved one becomes a pathway into the soul of those in ego grief.

2. Grieving through the Integrative process.

You may hear these words in this path to grief: “life is different,” “my loved one is in a better place,” “I will be O.K.” Do you hear how these statements reflect a sense of knowing their loved one’s body is gone, but their spirit will remain in their heart? This type of grieving allows a person to have a sense of knowing. It is a knowing that only the body is dead. The relationship with a deceased loved one remains in place. It may even be such a connection in soul that some feel closer to their loved one than when they were alive in physical form.

To be known as we are truly known is not an afterlife experience. To be fully human and fully divine is one of the best kept secrets we all pretend we are not aware of until the afterlife. There is no afterlife. We came from eternity and to eternity we return. When we let go of the notion that eternity begins at death, we are free to utilize eternal resources to help us live in the here and now.

The instant we realize we live in the world AND the world lives inside of us reveals a sense of awe. The world and our part in it have neither beginning nor an end. This integration from individual awareness to collective awareness carries within it hopes. It is the hope in knowing that all belong to an unending stream of consciousness. As humans, we have predictable stages of development indicating where we are in human maturity.

As we age, our psyche or our soul integrates its being from individual awareness to universal awareness. The journey into eternal awareness allows a sense of hope beyond the sense to withstand grief. Eternal Awareness integrates the self into the Universal knowing that the power which leads us into the world knows how to take us home.

2 comments on “Ego and grief and the spirit.

  1. Abbie says:

    Yes yes yes. I feel very much the same. I’m 37 years old and for my entire life my mum was my anchor. Since I left home at 18 she has been my very best friend. I don’t know who I am without her – this has been a hard part (and most surprising part) of the grief journey for me. Especially as my own life changed so much the year before she died.

    I’m learning how much of my identity was wrapped up with my beautiful mum. I love the statement you made: “My mother is in spirit. And her spirit in me.This new me, will be a part of her spirit”. I’ve come to similar conclusion I think – her legacy is who she helped me to become and I carry a part of her just by being me. It’s one heck of a confusing time huh?

    • Definitely. Never have I felt so lost. Made so many mistakes. Allowed the wrong people into my life. Never have I hurt so much. But, knowing that her spirit lives in me is a comfort. She cannot not be apart of my spirit. She’s in me. I just have to listen. Life is constantly changing whether we like it or not. I feel like I am slowly beginning to gain strength, but it doesn’t make it easier.

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